Sunday, May 23, 2010

Not. Feeling. Well.

First of all, let me say that this is already a fabulous experience in so many ways. Wonderful host family, awesome city, ancient Roman architecture, interesting and challenging language lessons...the problem, however, is that my stupid body is not allowing me to enjoy any of this.

I'm still suffering from severe jet lag. I couldn't fall asleep last night until 2 in the morning and had to wake up at 7. I woke up feeling like death. This lack of sleep is causing my ever-present anxiety issues to go FULL STEAM AHEAD. I am so so so anxious, for no reason (so my brain creates reasons). It's the worst feeling ever. In turn, the anxiety is exacerbating the issues that my digestive system is having with different food. Don't get me wrong, it's all delicious, but I'm just not used to it.

This is the most steam I can muster to write a blog today. I love Arabic but it took every ounce of energy I had today to stay awake and make my brain work, and I still have lots of homework. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be feeling more myself and will be able to give more details. For now, let me just say..."ana tabbanih". (I am tired).




  1. You'll be OK. You can't expect everything to work all at once. Chill. Enjoy the moments and focus on work.

  2. It took me a week to get over my jet lag (I shouldve gotten used to it in 6yrs!!). Sometimes it takes me longer. Take it easy with the food, don't eat anything outside at least for the 1st few weeks. Don't worry you'll be fine! - Shazia

  3. When I went abroad the first week was physically exhausting from the jet lag, and the first month was mentally exhausting from the language/cultural differences. But you'll make it through and then everything will be all roses :)
